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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to FAQ page of the Saratoga-Wilton Soccer Club (SWSC), designed to answer some of the more frequent questions parents have.

  • Q | What is Club Soccer and what are the benefits?

    Q | What is Club Soccer and what are the benefits?

    The Saratoga-Wilton Soccer Club (SWSC) program is for soccer players who are looking for a more competitive soccer environment than recreational soccer. Boys and girls with a strong drive to develop their soccer abilities and a passion for the game are ready to make the commitment to play travel soccer.

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  • Q | How will my son or daughter be picked for a team?

    Q | How will my son or daughter be picked for a team?

    The Saratoga-Wilton soccer club holds team placements each June and at the Gavin Park Soccer Fields in Wilton. Our goal is to place every prospective player on a team with athletes of similar age and ability.

    All team placement decisions shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of the Saratoga-Wilton Soccer Club coaching staff and are made for the development of the player and the benefit of the team. Placements are based on standard metrics and coaching instinct based on decades of playing, training, and coaching experience. Players are not guaranteed placement on any team, or position on the field, based on the previous year’s team placement and field position. Talent and positional needs vary from team to team and year to year. Expect highly competitive team placements. There will be disappointment for some children. Encourage your child to embrace their team placement as a growth and mentoring opportunity.

    Boys and Girls Competitive: Our competitive teams are designed for players who are building technical skills and confidence on the field, or who enjoy soccer as a team sport without a large extra cost, time, and travel commitment. These teams provide players equal playing time as much as possible to develop the skills of each player on the team for growth into a select or premier player. There are suggested minimum attendance requirements necessary to build player skills and teamwork. Players at this level may play Full Year, Fall Only, Training Only, Winter Only, or Spring Only. Please notify your coach and team manager of your seasonal commitment if not committing to Full Year. Our competitive teams compete in CDYSL Fall Ball (U8-U12), local winter indoor competition, CDYSL spring matches, and compete in our May Day Classic Tournament. An away tournament may be arranged at the coach’s discretion. Travel, extra team-based costs, and individual costs are kept to a minimum, but can be at least $500 for U10+.

    Boys and Girls Select: Our select teams are built for players with elevated levels of soccer awareness and skill, who are seeking competition that pushes them for maximum growth. These teams have attendance minimums, and playing time may be based on skill, attitude, attendance, and the team’s needs as determined by the head coach. Although we strive to provide quality-playing time for all players, there are no guarantees of playing time at this level. Select teams compete in local and regional tournaments including our May Day Classic Tournament, as well as in CDYSL and/or EDP competition. Practice and game/tournament attendance is expected/required and players are expected to play Full Year. Players should expect to play at tournaments that may be scheduled during holiday weekends or school breaks. Travel, extra team-based fees, and individual costs can be at 3-4x higher than for a competitive team. Player evaluations will be given.

    Situations do arise where there are not enough players to create a team. The Club will search the community or other clubs to fill a roster. In the event a team cannot be created, players will be placed on a waiting list until a position becomes available. Please see our club home page for any currently announced tryout dates.

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  • Q | How do I determine the right age group for my child?

    Q | How do I determine the right age group for my child?

    SWSC follows the USSF Birth Year and Season Matrix to select the age group team your child will play on each season. In some cases, mixed age group teams, such as U13/U14 may be built and compete at the U14 age group.


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  • Q | How good does a player need to be to play club soccer?

    Q | How good does a player need to be to play club soccer?

    If your child loves the sport of soccer, SWSC serves all interested players and families. Come out to team placements in June for an evaluation with other players. No soccer experience is necessary. SWSC teaches the skills necessary to enjoy and succeed in the game of soccer. Our age groups have Select and Competitive teams, allowing for the appropriate skills environment based upon age, talent, and motivation. A number of players come to the Club from recreation leagues, and especially at the younger ages, some participate in both recreation and Club soccer. Our U14+ players often participate with their school teams and the Club simultaneously.

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  • Q | How much time commitment is required?

    Q | How much time commitment is required?

    Travel soccer teams play in the spring CDYSL league, indoor leagues during the winter, and participate in tournaments throughout the year but mostly during winter and spring. The schedule varies by team but most play in 1-2 indoor sessions and 2-4 tournaments per season in addition to the CDYSL schedule during spring, depending upon the age group and competitive level of the team. Practices are 75 minutes per session and take place at least twice a week, again depending on age and skill level. Travel players are expected to commit-to all team practices and games.

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